*Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, many of our operations have changed to meet state and county safety standards. Operations are subject to change

Safety Rules:

Before Camp:

  • Parents/legal guardians of higher-risk campers are recommended to consult their child’s medical provider(s) to assess risk and determine if camp attendance is acceptable
  • It is important to please keep your camper(s) home if they show symptoms associated with COVID-19
  • Parents/legal guardians are recommended to take their child(ren)’s temperature before coming to camp each day; If a child has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher they will not be able to come to camp and will be advised to contact our primary COVID-19 contacts (Courtney Lew and Diana Banuelos)
  • Per guidelines from LA County Department of Public Health, face masks are OPTIONAL

Drop off/Pick up Procedures

  • Staff will conduct health checks if deemed necessary, which include health screening questions and temperature checks with no-touch thermometers
  • At pick up, parents/legal guardians will check in with a designated staff member and campers will be escorted to the pick up location
  • Parents/legal guardians will need to communicate with staff ahead of time to arrange drop off or pick up times outside of those already designated

During Camp:

  • Campers and staff must wash or use hand sanitizer to clean their hands before and after eating, and after using public restroom facilities
  • Camp staff will be responsible for cleaning and sanitizing all equipment and supplies

In Case of a Confirmed or Suspected Infection:

  • Staff and campers will be monitored closely throughout the day for any signs of illness; if a staff member or camper has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, a cough, or other symptoms related to COVID-19, preparations will be made to either send them home or to a medical facility
  • Parents/legal guardians of the camper that is suspected of being infected will be immediately notified
  • Parents/legal guardians of campers that may potentially have had contact with suspected or confirmed cases will be immediately contacted
  • Parent/legal guardians of campers who are confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 will be advised not to return to camp until they meet CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation